Communication Networks and Service Management in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Communication Networks and Service Management in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (IEEE Press Series on Networks and Service Management) 1st Edition
by: Nur Zincir-Heywood,Marco Mellia,Yixin Diao (Editor)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Wiley-IEEE Press; 1st edition (October 12,2021)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 400 pages
ISBN-10: 1119675502
ISBN-13: 9781119675501

Book Description

Discover the impact that new technologies are having on communication systems with this up-to-date and one-stop resource
Communication Networks and Service Management in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning delivers a comprehensive overview of the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) on service and network management. Beginning with a fulsome description of ML and AI,the book moves on to discuss management models,architectures,and frameworks. The authors also explore how AI and ML can be used in service management functions like the generation of workload profiles,service provisioning,and more.
The book includes a handpicked selection of applications and case studies,as well as a treatment of emerging technologies the authors predict could have a significant impact on network and service management in the future. Statistical analysis and data mining are also discussed,particularly with respect to how they allow for an improvement of the management and security of IT systems and networks. Readers will also enjoy topics like:
A thorough introduction to network and service management,machine learning,and artificial intelligence
An exploration of artificial intelligence and machine learning for management models,including autonomic management,policy-based management,intent based ­management,and network virtualization-based management
Discussions of AI and ML for architectures and frameworks,including cloud ­systems,software defined networks,5G and 6G networks,and Edge/Fog networks
An examination of AI and ML for service management,including the automatic ­generation of workload profiles using unsupervised learning
Perfect for information and communications technology educators,Communication Networks and Service Management in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will also earn a place in the libraries of engineers and professionals who seek a structured reference on how the emergence of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques is affecting service and network management
Communication Networks and Service Management in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 9781119675501.pdf

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