Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Basics and Beyond
Author: Judith S. Beck (Author), Aaron T. Beck (Foreword)
Publisher finelybook 出版社: The Guilford Press
Edition 版本: Third edition
Publication Date 出版日期: 2020-10-7
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 414 pages
ISBN-10: 1462544193
ISBN-13: 9781462544196
Book Description
Book Description
“This thoroughly revised third edition provides a systematic bird’s-eye view of the method and thinking of an experienced, gifted CBT practitioner. Beck’s conversational tone is welcoming and reassuring. The text includes transcripts, reflection questions, practice exercises, and clinical tips for the learner. It seamlessly incorporates contemporary elements of CBT, including mindfulness and the consideration of patient strengths, aspirations, and values. Beginning practitioners will find the rubrics for considering stuck points in therapy and performing good evaluations to be invaluable. This book is a ‘must’ for anyone interested in learning more about both the micro-skills of CBT and the big picture of thoughtful and reflective therapeutic practice.”–Donna M. Sudak, MD, Department of Psychiatry, Drexel University
“CBT is exploding in all directions. Before exploring far-off territories, I recommend learners start here! ‘Basic’ is defined as ‘forming an essential foundation or starting point; fundamental,’ which describes this book perfectly. It is an ideal text for graduate students learning CBT and for practitioners at all levels of experience who are new to CBT and want to learn the foundational principles and practices of this important psychotherapy model.”–Jacqueline B. Persons, PhD, Director, Oakland Cognitive Behavior Therapy Center; Clinical Professor, Department of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley
“My students regularly comment that Beck’s book is their favorite of all the texts in our course. She creates a relationship with readers that increases their ability to understand and apply information from the text, just like a therapeutic alliance facilitates the patient’s incorporation of new data in therapy. Any student of psychology can pick up the third edition and get a full understanding of the nature, scope, structure, and strengths of CBT.”–Laird Bridgman, PsyD, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Irvine, California; private practice, Lake Forest, California
“I am delighted to see the third edition of this classic work, which includes a positive, strengths-based perspective for clinicians working with people who struggle with significant mental health problems. Focusing on individual values, goals, strengths, and resources, and on newer evidence-based cognitive and behavioral strategies, will surely benefit patients and their families. This essential resource with clear examples will enhance the practice skills of psychologists, social workers, psychiatric nurses, psychiatrists, licensed mental health practitioners, and their students.”–Gail Steketee, PhD, Professor and Dean Emerita, Boston University School of Social Work
“The third edition of Judith Beck’s classic text builds on the legacy of prior editions by including positive, recovery-based methods; mindfulness; and other newer developments that make it even more valuable to students and clinicians. Beck’s inspiring therapy with her clients shines through and gives readers a feast of practical examples of how to put CBT into action. A leading force in the practice and evolution of CBT, Beck has given us a book to treasure.”–Jesse H. Wright, MD, PhD, Kolb Endowed Chair of Outpatient Psychiatry and Director, Depression Center, University of Louisville School of Medicine
“This book is excellent because it is a step-by-step approach to understanding cognitive behavior therapy, written by an expert in the field. The clinical examples really help the readers understand how theory is applied. The book should be in the libraries of students first learning the CBT process. However, seasoned professionals will also gain much from this volume as well. The third edition is needed because the book has been updated with new material and a companion website.*****!” ―
Doody’s Review Service Published On: 2021-04-23“A comprehensive and highly useful teaching text that can be used by either therapists-in-training or experienced therapists….Judith Beck is a master psychotherapist who has successfully compiled a text that clearly explains the fundamentals of cognitive therapy in a way that will be exceedingly useful to anyone studying psychotherapy. Psychiatry residents I work with consistently want to see actual examples of how psychotherapy is done. This book, with its extensive dialogues, provides a clear example of how a skilled, empathic therapist conducts treatment. What is most impressive about this work is that it provides thorough and detailed instruction yet is concise enough to be read cover-to-cover in a reasonable length of time….After mastering this text, those interested in more in-depth instruction from Dr. Beck can obtain her work
Cognitive Therapy for Challenging Problems: What to Do When the Basics Don’t Work, also published by Guilford Press.” (on the second edition) ― Journal of Psychiatric Practice Published On: 2013-07-01“A comprehensive road map to the practice of CBT [and] a must-read guide for graduate students and practicing therapists who are interested in learning the essentials of CBT. It will no doubt be recognized as a classic text in the field due not only to its excellent coverage of CBT, but also to the clear, concise, and illustrative manner in which the techniques are presented.” (on the second edition) ―
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry Published On: 2012-09-03About the Author
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