Coderspeak: The Language of Computer Programmers

Coderspeak: The Language of Computer Programmers
Author: Guilherme Orlandini Heurich (Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ UCL Press
Publication Date 出版日期:‏ 2024-11-05
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 184 pages
ISBN-10: 1800086008
ISBN-13: 9781800086005

Book Description

Coderspeak delves into the hidden world of software development, offering a combined anthropological and technical approach that explores the coder community’s impact on our digital landscape.
Software applications have taken over our lives. We use and are used by software many times a day. Nevertheless, we know very little about the invisibly ubiquitous workers who write software. Who are they and how do they perceive their practice? How does that shape how they collaborate to build the myriad of apps that we use every day? And how does that impact the users of apps?
Coderspeak provides a critical approach to the digital transformation of our world through an engaging and thoughtful analysis of the people who write software applications. It is a focused and in-depth look at one programming language and its community, Ruby, based on ethnographic research at a London company and conversations with members of the wider Ruby community in Europe, the Americas, and Japan.
This book shows that the place where people write code, the language they write it in, and the stories shared by that community are crucial in questioning and unpacking what it means to be a coder. Understanding this social group is essential if we are to grasp a future (and a present) in which computer programming increasingly dominates our lives.


‘Heurich perfectly captures the generous camaraderie, quirky spirit and intellectual curiosity at the heart of the Ruby world. Packed with tidbits of Ruby history, code snippets and fascinating conversations, this book has something to teach every Rubyist.’
Jemma Issroff, Ruby Core Team

About the Author

Guilherme Orlandini Heurich is an honorary research fellow in the Department of Anthropology at UCL, UK.

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