Clean Android Architecture: Take a layered approach to writing clean, testable, and decoupled Android applications

Clean Android Architecture: Take a layered approach to writing clean, testable, and decoupled Android applications
Author: Alexandru Dumbravan
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Packt Publishing (20 Jun. 2022)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 366 pages
ISBN-10: 180323458X
ISBN-13: 9781803234588

Book Description

Learn how to build, maintain, and test Android applications using clean architecture principles
Key Features
Understand various software design principles and patterns to make an application more testable
Structure your application’s code into different layers and components to make it more maintainable and flexible
Study popular libraries and frameworks and integrate them into an application
As an application’s code base increases, it becomes harder for developers to maintain existing features and introduce new ones. In this clean architecture book, you’ll learn to identify when and how this problem emerges and how to structure your code to overcome it.
The book starts Author: explaining clean architecture principles and Android architecture components and then explores the tools, frameworks, and libraries involved. You’ll learn how to structure your application in the data and domain layers, the technologies that go in each layer, and the role that each layer plays in keeping your application clean. You’ll understand how to arrange the code into these two layers and the components involved in assembling them. Finally, you’ll cover the presentation layer and the patterns that can be applied to have a decoupled and testable code base.
Author: the end of this architecture book, you’ll be able to build an application following clean architecture principles and have the knowledge you need to maintain and test the application easily.
What you will learn
Discover and solve issues in Android legacy applications
Become well versed in the principles behind clean architecture
Get to grips with writing loosely coupled and testable code
Find out how to structure an application’s code in separate layers
Understand the role each layer plays in keeping the application clean
Integrate existing frameworks and libraries for each layer

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