Blockchain Technology and Applications III

Blockchain Technology and Applications (Blockchain Technology and Applications, 3)
Author: Jan Veuger
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Nova Science Pub Inc (March 31, 2022)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 338 pages
ISBN-10: 1685076297
ISBN-13: 9781685076290

Book Description

This book is a result of international collaboration on blockchain technology and application possibilities. In 2021, the Research Group Blockchain of Saxion University in the Netherlands conducted several webinars, conferences, masterclasses, and research projects, many of which are detailed in this volume. Whereas the first two volumes of Blockchain Applications and Technology dealt with the technology of blockchain and applications for real estate, this volume provides insights on the impact of blockchain on the financial world, new application possibilities, and an extensive study of blockchain and European higher education systems. This book will contribute to the knowledge of students, researchers, and the work field on an international level to help them enter the next phase of blockchain development. In the coming years, a further acceleration of the development of applications of blockchain and other emerging technologies is expected.
Book 3: A different angle…a different twist to the elaborate uses of blockchain technology you should know more about! In this guide, you can learn about:
Ethereum and the connection to the Decentralized Consensus Network
The basics of DAPP
Javascript API specifics related to blockchain technology
Methods to contract storage
AlethZero and other software specifics
Coding, typing, and data values you need to understand
Transactions, pulling data, and structuring
Blockchain Technology and Applications III 9781685076290.rar

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