Blender All-in-One For Dummies
Author:Jason van Gumster (Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:For Dummies
Edition 版本:1st edition
Publication Date 出版日期:2024-04-30
Language 语言:English
Print Length 页数:768pages
Book Description
From the Back Cover
Your deep dive into 3D animation with Blender®
Blender®, the free software for creating anything in 3D from scratch, is a dream come true for digital artists. This book is a treasure trove of information for anyone who wants to create their own animations. Explore every step in the 3D creation process with jargon-free instructions and walkthroughs. Even if you’ve never created in 3D before, you can start building models, working with light and texture, rendering images, editing video, and finalizing your finished product. Make your 3D dreams a reality with this guide.
6 Books Inside…
- Exploring Blender basics
- Building 3D models
- Surfacing and rendering models
- Animating objects and scenes
- Working with video
- Scripting in Blender
About the Author
Jason van Gumster is an expert Blender consultant to top studios and toolmakers. Jason and his family live the life of digital nomads while he builds custom tools and leads workshops on Blender all over the world. He’s author of all editions of Blender For Dummies, as well as GIMP Bible.
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