Biological Pattern Discovery With R: Machine Learning Approaches

Biological Pattern Discovery with R: Machine Learning Approaches
Author: Zheng Rong Yang
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ WSPC (22 Sept. 2021)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 462 pages
ISBN-10: 9811240116
ISBN-13: 9789811240119

Book Description

This book provides the research directions for new or junior researchers who are going to use machine learning approaches for biological pattern discovery. The book was written based on the research experience of the author’s several research projects in collaboration with biologists worldwide. The chapters are organised to address individual biological pattern discovery problems. For each subject, the research methodologies and the machine learning algorithms which can be employed are introduced and compared. Importantly, each chapter was written with the aim to help the readers to transfer their knowledge in theory to practical implementation smoothly. Therefore, the R programming environment was used for each subject in the chapters. The author hopes that this book can inspire new or junior researchers’ interest in biological pattern discovery using machine learning algorithms.

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