Bio-inspired Swarm Robotics and Control: Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Strategies

Bio-inspired Swarm Robotics and Control: Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Strategies
by 作者: Parijat Bhowmick (Editor), Sima Das (Editor), Farshad Arvin (Editor)
Publisher Finelybook 出版社: IGI Global
Publication Date 出版日期: 2024-04-23
Language 语言: English
Pages 页数: 300 pages
ISBN-13 书号: 9798369312773

Book Description
The academic community is currently facing the challenge of navigating the complexities of swarm robotics. This field demands understanding the design, control, and coordination of autonomous robotic swarms. The intricacies of developing algorithms that facilitate communication, cooperation, and adaptation among simple individual agents remain a formidable obstacle. Addressing issues like task allocation, formation control, path planning, and decentralized decision-making are pivotal to unlocking the true potential of swarm robotics. Bio-inspired Swarm Robotics and Control: Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Strategies immerses readers in the cutting-edge realm of swarm robotics, a discipline inspired by the intricate choreography observed in biological systems like insect colonies, bird flocks, and fish schools. Encompassing a rich array of bio-inspired algorithms, mechanisms, and strategies, the text elucidates how robots can communicate, cooperate, and adapt within dynamic environments. The book propels robotics, automation, and artificial intelligence advancements by fostering interdisciplinary connections and charting a course toward more efficient and resilient multi-robot systems. This book is ideal for biologists, engineers, and computer scientists to join forces in unlocking the full potential of swarm robotics.

About the Author

Parijat Bhowmick is presently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering of IIT Guwahati. Prior to joining this position, he worked as a Post-doctoral Research Associate for three years at the Control Systems Centre, University of Manchester, UK. He completed his PhD degree in Control Engineering from IIT Kharagpur in the year 2018. He did his Master’s from Jadavpur University in 2012 with the same specialisation. He was a recipient of the University Gold Medal in ME and was also a recipient of the Institute Silver Medal during his B. Tech. He is an active researcher in the horizon of Robust control of uncertain systems, Negative Imaginary Systems theory, Vibration control of mechatronic systems, Cooperative Control of Multi-agent Systems (including Multi-Robot Systems) and Control of Smart/Micro-grid Systems. He has published around forty papers so far in Tier-I international journals and flagship conferences. He has also guided five PhD students till date in the domain of Control and Robotics.

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