Beginning Swift Games Development for iOS,2nd Edition

Beginning Swift Games Development for iOS: Develop 2D and 3D games Using Apple’s SceneKit and SpriteKit
by: James Goodwill – Wesley Matlock
ISBN-10: 1484223098
ISBN-13: 9781484223093
Edition 版本:‏ 2nd ed.
Released: 2017-06-25
Pages: 208

Book Description

Learn the fundamental elements of the new Swift 3 programming language as applied to game development for new iOS 10.
In Part 1 of this book,you’ll start with a basic 2D game idea and build the game throughout the book introducing each SpriteKit topic as you add new functionality to the game. By the end of the book,you’ll have experience with all the important SpriteKit topics and have a fully functional game as a result. In Part 2,you’ll learn 3D game development using Apple’s SceneKit framework and the Swift programming language,following the same pattern used for Part 1.
Game apps are one of the most popular categories in the Apple iTunes App Store. In response,James Goodwill and Wesley Matlock bring you Beginning Swift Games Development for iOS,Third Edition an update to their best-selling work. After reading and using this book,you’ll have the skills and the code to build your first 2D and then 3D game app that you can run on any iOS-enabled device.
What you’ll learn
Discover what’s in the new Swift 3 programming language
Apply Swift 3 to iOS 10 and 9 game development
Build a 2D game app using SpriteKit and Swift
Build a 3D game from 2D using SceneKit and Swift
Who this book is for
iOS app developers new to Swift or for those thinking of trying iOS game app development for the very first time.
Part I: Introduction to Spritekit
Chapter 1: Setting Up Your Game Scene and Adding Your First Sprites
Chapter 2: SpriteKit Scenes and SKNode Positioning
Chapter 3: Adding Physics and Collision Detection to Your Game
Chapter 4: Adding Scene Scrolling and Game Control
Chapter 5: Adding Actions and Animations
Chapter 6: Adding Particle Effects to Your Game with Emitter Nodes
Chapter 7: Adding Points and Sound
Chapter 8: Transitioning Between Scenes
Chapter 9: SpriteKit Best Practices
Part II: Introduction to Scenekit
Chapter 10: Creating Your First SceneKit Project
Chapter 11: Scenes and Nodes
Chapter 12: Lighting,Camera,and Material Effects in SceneKit
Chapter 13: Render Loop,Physics,and Moving Around
Chapter 14: Collision Detection
Chapter 15: SceneKit Interaction with SpriteKit
Chapter 16: SceneKit Editor
了解适用于新iOS 10游戏开发的新Swift 3编程语言的基本要素。
游戏应用程序是Apple iTunes App Store中最受欢迎的类别之一。作为回应,James Goodwill和Wesley Matlock为您带来了iOS开始Swift游戏开发,第三版,是他们畅销作品的更新。阅读和使用本书后,您将拥有构建您的第一个2D和3D游戏应用程序的技能和代码,您可以在任何支持iOS的设备上运行。
了解新的Swift 3编程语言
将Swift 3应用于iOS 10和9游戏开发
第一部分: Spritekit简介
第1章: 设置你的游戏场景和添加你的第一个Sprite
第2章: SpriteKit场景和SKNode定位
第3章: 添加物理和碰撞检测到你的游戏
第4章: 添加场景滚动和游戏控制
第5章: 添加动作和动画
第6章: 使用发射器节点将粒子效果添加到游戏中
第7章: 添加点和声音
第8章: 场景之间的转换
第9章: SpriteKit最佳实践
第二部分: Scenekit简介
第10章: 创建您的第一个SceneKit项目
第11章: 场景和节点
第12章: SceneKit中的照明,相机和材质效果
第13章: 渲染循环,物理和移动
第14章: 碰撞检测
第15章: SceneKit与SpriteKit的互动
第16章: SceneKit Editor
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