Bash for Data Scientists

Bash for Data Scientists
by O. Campesato(Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Mercury Learning and Information (December 6, 2022)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 276 pages
ISBN-10: 168392973X
ISBN-13: 9781683929734

Book Description

This book introduces an assortment of powerful command line utilities
that can be combined to create simple, yet powerful shell scripts for processing datasets.
The code samples and scripts use the bash shell, and typically involve small datasets so
you can focus on understanding the features of grep, sed, and awk. Companion files
with code are available for downloading from the publisher.
+Provides the reader with powerful command line utilities that can be combined to
create simple yet powerful shell scripts for processing datasets
+Contains a variety of code fragments and shell scripts for data scientists, data analysts,
and those who want shell-based solutions to “clean” various types of datasets
+Companion files with code available for downloading with Amazon proof of
purchase by writing to the publisher.
Table of Contents
1: Introduction to UNIX. 2: Files and Directories. 3: Useful Commands.
4: Conditional Logic and Loops. 5: Processing Datasets with grep and sed.
6: Processing Datasets with awk. 7: Processing Datasets (Pandas).
8: NoSQL, SQLite, and Python. Index.
About the Author
Oswald Campesato (San Francisco, CA) is an adjunct instructor
at UC-Santa Clara and specializes in Deep Learning, Java, Android,
and NLP. He is the author of over twenty-five books including the
SQL Pocket Primer, Python 3 for Machine Learning, and the
NLP Using R Pocket Primer (all Mercury Learning).

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