AutoCAD 2025 3D Modeling

AutoCAD 2025 3D Modeling
Author: Munir Hamad (Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Mercury Learning and Information
Publication Date 出版日期:‏ 2024-07-19
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 352 pages
ISBN-10: 1501523171
ISBN-13: 9781501523175

Book Description

This book provides new and seasoned users with step-by-step procedures on creating and modifying 3D models, working with cameras and lights, assigning materials to objects, rendering, and printing. Unlike many AutoCAD competitors, it uses both metric and imperial units to illustrate the myriad tools for this popular application. Use the companion files to set updrawing exercises and projects and see all of the book’s figures in color. AutoCAD 2025 3DModeling includes 50 “mini-workshops” that complete small projects from concept through actual plotting. Solving all of the workshops will simulate the creation of full projects (architectural and mechanical) from beginning to end, without overlooking any of the basic commands and functions in AutoCAD 2025.


  • Provides new and seasoned users with step-by-step procedures on creating and modifying 3D modelsin both metric and imperial units
  • Companion files can be used to set up in-text drawing exercises and projects and to see the book’s figures in color.

About the Author

Munir Hamad is an Autodesk® Approved Instructor and certified Autodesk AutoCAD Master, who has authored several AutoCAD titles and taught various levels of AutoCAD training.

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