Augmented Reality for Developers
by: Jonathan Linowes – Krystian Babilinski
ISBN-10: 1787286436
ISBN-13: 9781787286436
Released: 2017-11-09
Pages: 497
Book Description
Build exciting AR applications on mobile and wearable devices with Unity 3D,Vuforia,ARToolKit,Microsoft Mixed Reality HoloLens,Apple ARKit,and Google ARCore
About This Book
Create unique AR applications from scratch,from beginning to end,with step-by-step tutorials
Use Unity 3D to efficiently create AR apps for Android,iOS,and Windows platforms
Use Vuforia,ARTookKit,Windows Mixed Reality,and Apple ARKit to build AR projects for a variety of markets
Learn best practices in AR user experience,software design patterns,and 3D graphics
Who This Book Is For
The ideal target audience for this book is developers who have some experience in mobile development,either Android or iOS. Some broad web development experience would also be beneficial.
What You Will Learn
Build Augmented Reality applications through a step-by-step,tutorial-style project approach
Use the Unity 3D game engine with the Vuforia AR platform,open source ARToolKit,Microsoft’s Mixed Reality Toolkit,Apple ARKit,and Google ARCore,via the C# programming language
Implement practical demo applications of AR including education,games,business marketing,and industrial training
Employ a variety of AR recognition modes,including target images,markers,objects,and spatial mapping
Target a variety of AR devices including phones,tablets,and wearable smartglasses,for Android,iOS,and Windows HoloLens
Develop expertise with Unity 3D graphics,UIs,physics,and event systems
Explore and utilize AR best practices and software design patterns
Chapter 1. Augment Your World
Chapter 2. Setting Up Your System
Chapter 3. Building Your App
Chapter 4. Augmented Business Cards
Chapter 5. Ar Solar System
Chapter 6. How To Change A Flat Tire
Chapter 7. Augmenting The Instruction Manual
Chapter 8. Room Decoration With Ar
Chapter 9. Poke The Ball Game
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