Associative Algebraic Geometry

Associative Algebraic Geometry
by Arvid Siqveland(Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ WSPC (EUROPE) (February 20, 2023)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 420 pages
ISBN-10: 1800613547
ISBN-13: 9781800613546

Book Description

Classical Deformation Theory is used for determining the completions of local rings of an eventual moduli space. When a moduli variety exists, the main result explored in the book is that the local ring in a closed point can be explicitly computed as an algebraization of the pro-representing hull, called the local formal moduli, of the deformation functor for the corresponding closed point. The book gives explicit computational methods and includes the most necessary prerequisites for understanding associative algebraic geometry. It focuses on the meaning and the place of deformation theory, resulting in a complete theory applicable to moduli theory. It answers the question “why moduli theory”, and gives examples in mathematical physics by looking at the universe as a moduli of molecules, thereby giving a meaning to most noncommutative theories. The book contains the first explicit definition of a noncommutative scheme, not necessarily covered by commutative rings. This definition does not contradict any previous abstract definitions of noncommutative algebraic geometry, but sheds interesting light on other theories, which is left for further investigation.

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