Artificial Intelligence for Renewable Energy and Climate Change

Artificial Intelligence for Renewable Energy and Climate Change
Aug. 23 2022
Author: Pandian Vasant,Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber,J. Joshua Thomas,José Antonio Marmolejo-Saucedo,Roman Rodriguez-Aguilar (Editor)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Wiley-Scrivener; 1st edition (Aug. 23 2022)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 496 pages
ISBN-10: 1119768993
ISBN-13: 9781119768999

Book Description

Artificial Intelligence for Renewable Energy and Climate Change
Written and edited Author: a global team of experts in the field, this groundbreaking new volume presents the concepts and fundamentals of using artificial intelligence in renewable energy and climate change, while also covering the practical applications that can be utilized across multiple disciplines and industries, for the engineer, the student, and other professionals and scientists.
Renewable energy and climate change are two of the most important and difficult issues facing the world today. The state of the art in these areas is changing rapidly, with new techniques and theories coming online seemingly every day. It is important for scientists, engineers, and other professionals working in these areas to stay abreast of developments, advances, and practical applications, and this volume is an outstanding reference and tool for this purpose.
The paradigm in renewable energy and climate change shifts constantly. In today’s international and competitive environment, lean and green practices are important determinants to increase performance. Corresponding production philosophies and techniques help companies diminish lead times and costs of manufacturing, improve delivery on time and quality, and at the same time become more ecological Author: reducing material use and waste, and Author: recycling and reusing. Those lean and green activities enhance productivity, lower carbon footprint and improve consumer satisfaction, which in reverse makes firms competitive and sustainable.
This practical, new groundbreaking volume:
Features coverage on a wide range of topics such as classical and nature-inspired optimization and optimal control, hybrid and stochastic systems
Is ideally designed for engineers, scientists, industrialist, academicians, researchers, computer and information technologists, sustainable developers, managers, environmentalists, government leaders, research officers, policy makers, business leaders and students
Is useful as a practical tool for practitioners in the fields of sustainable and renewable energy sustainability
Includes wide coverage of how artificial intelligence can be used to impact the struggle against global warming and climate change
Artificial Intelligence for Renewable Energy and Climate Change 9781119768999.rar

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