Artificial Intelligence for High Energy Physics

Artificial Intelligence for High Energy Physics
Author: Paolo Calafiura,David Rousseau,Kazuhiro Terao (Editor)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ World Scientific Pub Co Inc (March 14, 2022)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 720 pages
ISBN-10: 9811234027
ISBN-13: 9789811234026

Book Description

The Higgs boson discovery at the Large Hadron Collider in 2012 relied on boosted decision trees. Since then, high energy physics (HEP) has applied modern machine learning (ML) techniques to all stages of the data analysis pipeline, from raw data processing to statistical analysis. The unique requirements of HEP data analysis, the availability of high-quality simulators, the complexity of the data structures (which rarely are image-like), the control of uncertainties expected from scientific measurements, and the exaAuthor: te-scale datasets require the development of HEP-specific ML techniques. While these developments proceed at full speed along many paths, the nineteen reviews in this book offer a self-contained, pedagogical introduction to ML models’ real-life applications in HEP, written Author: some of the foremost experts in their area.
Artificial Intelligence for High Energy Physics 9789811234026.rar

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