Artificial Intelligence and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Artificial Intelligence and the Fourth Industrial Revolution 1st Edition
Author: Utpal Chakraborty,Amit Banerjee,Jayanta Kumar Saha,Niloy Sarkar,Chinmay Chakraborty (Editor)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Jenny Stanford Publishing; 1st edition (December 31, 2021)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 350 pages
ISBN-10: 9814800791
ISBN-13: 9789814800792

Book Description

This book covers the overall technology spectrum in AI and the Fourth Industrial Revolution that is set to revolutionize the world as we know it. It is a handbook for CEOs, entrepreneurs, and university VCs, as well as the vast workforce and students with tech or non-tech backgrounds. It covers aspects and case studies from industry, academics, administration, law, finance and accounting, as well as educational technology. The contributors, who are experts in their respective fields and from industry and academia, focus on gesture recognition prototype for specially abled people, jurisprudential approach to artificial intelligence and legal reasoning, automated chatbot for autism spectrum disorder using ai assistance, Big Data analytics and IoT, design of the 3D printed dexterous prosthetic arm, discerning and demonstrating consumer emotion and surfing behavior to develop personalized ontology, emotionally intelligent AI, role of artificial intelligence in advancement of drug discovery and development, opportunities and challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, legal ethical and policy implications of artificial intelligence, Internet of Health Things for smart healthcare and digital well-being, machine learning and computer vision, a computer vision–based system for automation and industrial applications, AI-IoT in home-based healthcare, and AI in super-precision human brain and spine surgery. Buttressed with comprehensive theoretical, methodological, well-established and validated empirical examples, the volume covers the interests of a very vast audience from basic science to engineering and technology experts and learners. It could eventually work as a textbook for engineering and biomedical students, students of master’s programs in science, and researchers. The book also serves common public interest Author: presenting new methods to improve the quality of life in general, with a better integration into society.
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