Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Business (AAP Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics)

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Business (AAP Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics)

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Business (AAP Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics)

Author: Namita Mishra (Editor), A. V. Senthil Kumar (Editor)

Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ ‎ Apple Academic Press

Edition 版本:‏ ‎ 1st edition

Publication Date 出版日期:‏ ‎ 2025-04-15

Language 语言: ‎ English

Print Length 页数: ‎ 298 pages

ISBN-10: ‎ 1774917238

ISBN-13: ‎ 9781774917237

Book Description

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are integral parts of every business today, in areas ranging from finance, strategic decision-making, HR operations, and sales and marketing to manufacturing and more. This new book demonstrates how artificial intelligence and machine learning can be used in every aspect of business and as a foundation for complex decision-making. The volume covers such topics as the use of AI in employee training, in stock market prediction, in traffic detection, in opinion mining, in fraud detection, for retail purchase predictions, in online customer support interactions, and more, proving the diverse ways AI can be used in many facets of a business. The use of AI is also explored in fields such as garbage systems, agriculture, precious metals, banking, HR hiring, and so on.

About the Author

Namita Mishra, PhD, Professor at the I.T.S. School of Management, is a distinguished professional with an in-depth association with education and research projects. Her teaching experience is in finance and accounting, with over 18 years of expertise. Academically she has MCOM, MBA, and PhD degrees from reputed universities. She is a certified financial analyst from IIM Kashipur, India. She has authored three books and two edited volumes with national and international publishers. Professor Mishra has published over 35 research papers in national and international conference proceedings and has 17 patents to her credit. She received the Dr. S. Radhakrishnan Memorial Award (2009) from the Healthy Universe Foundation for her contributions in education. She is a life member of various academic bodies.
A. V. Senthil Kumar, DSc, is working as a Professor and Director of the PG and Research Department of Computer Applications at Hindusthan College of Arts and Science in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. To date, he has five years of industrial experience and 27 years of teaching experience. He has published 46 book chapters, 223 papers in international and national journals, and 64 papers in international and national conferences, and he has edited 12 books and two textbooks. He is an Associate Editor of the journal IEEE Access. He is also an editor-in-chief for many journals and a key member for India for the Machine Intelligence Research Lab (MIR Labs). He is an editorial board member and reviewer for various international journals. He is also a committee member for various international conferences. He has guided 16 PhD scholars and is currently guiding four PhD scholars. He received his Doctor of Science (DSc) in Computer Science.

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