Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Wireless Communication Systems

Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Wireless Communication Systems
by Karan Kumar (Editor)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Information Science Reference (June 16, 2023)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 325 pages
ISBN-10: 1668473488
ISBN-13: 9781668473481

Book Description

“This book will provide chapters that include applications of artificial intelligence for the optimization of wireless communication systems, including channel models, channel state estimation, beamforming, codebook design, signal processing, etc. It will be extensive work in this particular domain rather than in abstract form. It will explore not just the theoretical aspects but also the practical implementation of this. The main objective of this book is to concise or to actually come up with somethingthat should be a collection of recent research or advances in the research happening in the field. As per the recent advancement, this is one of the most exciting topic”–

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