Ansible: Up and Running: Automating Configuration Management and Deployment the Easy Way, 3rd Edition

Ansible: Up and Running: Automating Configuration Management and Deployment the Easy Way 3rd Edition
Author: Bas Meijer,Lorin Hochstein,René Moser(Author)
Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ ‎O’Reilly Media; 3rd edition (August 16, 2022)
Language 语言: ‎English
Print Length 页数: ‎470 pages
ISBN-10: ‎1098109155
ISBN-13: ‎9781098109158

Book Description

Among the many configuration management tools available, Ansible has some distinct advantages: It’s minimal in nature. You don’t need to install agents on your nodes. And there’s an easy learning curve. With this updated third edition, you’ll quickly learn how to be productive with Ansible whether you’re a developer deploying code or a system administrator looking for a better automation solution.
Authors Bas Meijer, Lorin Hochstein, and Rene Moser show you how to write playbooks (Ansible’s configuration management scripts), manage remote servers, and explore the tool’s real power: built-in declarative modules. You’ll learn how Ansible has all the functionality you need–and the simplicity you desire.
Explore Ansible configuration management and deployment
Manage Linux, Windows, and network devices
Learn how to apply Ansible best practices
Understand how to use the new collections format
Create custom modules and plug-ins
Generate reusable Ansible content for open source middleware
Build container images, images for cloud instances, and cloud infrastructure
Automate CI/CD development environments
Learn how to use Ansible Automation Platform for DevOps

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