Android Studio 3.3 Development Essentials – Android 9 Edition: Developing Android 9 Apps Using Android Studio 3.3,Java and Android Jetpack

Android Studio 3.3 Development Essentials – Android 9 Edition 版本:‏ Developing Android 9 Apps Using Android Studio 3.3,Java and Android Jetpack
Authors: Neil Smyth
ISBN-10: 1795654767
ISBN-13: 9781795654760
Released: 2019-02-05
Print Length 页数: 778 pages

Book Description

Fully updated for Android Studio 3.3,Android 9 and the Android Jetpack modern architectural guidelines and components,the goal of this book is to teach the skills necessary to develop Android-based applications using the Java programming language.
Beginning with the basics,this book provides an outline of the steps necessary to set up an Android development and testing environment.
An overview of Android Studio is included covering areas such as tool windows,the code editor and the Layout Editor tool. An introduction to the architecture of Android is followed by an in-depth look at the design of Android applications and user interfaces using the Android Studio environment.
Chapters are also included covering the Android Architecture Components including view models,lifecycle management,Room databases,app navigation,live data and data binding.
More advanced topics such as intents are also covered,as are touch screen handling,gesture recognition,camera access and the playback and recording of both video and audio. This edition of the book also covers printing,transitions and cloud-based file storage.
The concepts of material design are also covered in detail,including the use of floating action buttons,Snackbars,tabbed interfaces,card views,navigation drawers and collapsing toolbars.
In addition to covering general Android development techniques,the book also includes Google Play specific topics such as implementing maps using the Google Maps Android API,and submitting apps to the Google Play Developer Console.
Other key features of Android Studio 3.3 and Android 9 are also covered in detail including the Layout Editor,the ConstraintLayout and ConstraintSet classes,constraint chains and barriers,direct reply notifications and multi-window support.
Chapters also cover advanced features of Android Studio such as App Links,Instant Apps,the Android Studio Profiler and Gradle build configuration.
Assuming you already have some programming experience,are ready to download Android Studio and the Android SDK,have access to a Windows,Mac or Linux system and ideas for some apps to develop,you are ready to get started.
2.Seting up an Android Sstudio Development Environment
5.Using and Configuring the Android Studio AVD Emulator
6.A Tour of the Android Studio User nterface
7.Testing Android Studio Apps on a Physical Android Device
8.The Basics of the Android Studio Code Editor
9.An Overview of the Android Architecture
11.Understanding Android Application and Activiy Lifecycles
12.Handling Andoid Actviey sate changes
13.Android Activity State Changes by Example
14.Saving and Restoring the State of an Android Activity
15.Understanding Android Views,View Groups and Layout
16.A Guide to the Android Studio Layout Editor Tool
18.A Glide to ling contraintl avout in Android sudio
19.Working with ConstraintLayout Chains and Ratios in Android Studio
20.An Android Studio Layout Editor Constraintlayout Tutorial
21.Manual XL Layout Design in Android studio
22.Managing Constraints using Constraint Sets
25.An Overview and Example of Android Event Handling
26.Android Touch and Multi-touch Event Handing
27.Detecting Common Gestures using the Android Gesture Detector Class
28.Implementing Custom Gesture and Pinch Recogntion on Android
29.An Introduction to Android Fragments
32.An Android Jetoack ViewModel TLutoia]
33.An Android Jetpack LiveData Tutorial
34.An Overview of Android Jetpack Data Binding
35.An Android Jetpack Data Binding Tutorial
36.Working with Android Lifecycle-Aware Components
39.An Android Jetpack Navigation Component Tutorial
40.Creating and Managing Overflow Menus on Android
41.Animating User nterfaces with the Android Transitions Frameworl
42.An Android Transition Tutorial using beginDelayedTransition
45.Implementing Anaroid scene lranstions -A Iutornal
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46.Working with the RecyclerView and CardView Widgets
47.An Android RecyclerView and CardView Tutorial
48.A Layout Editor Sample Data Tutorial
49.Working with the Apaar and Colapsing Tolbar Layouts
50.Implementing an Android Navigation Drawer
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53.Android Explicit Intents-A Worked Example
54.Android Implicit Intents-A Worked Example
55.Android Broadcast Intents and Broadcast Receivers
56.A Basic Overview of Threads and AsyncTasks
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59.Android loca Bound senices -A Worked Eamge
60.Android Remote Bound Services -A Worked Example
61.An Android Notifications Tutorial
62.An Android Direct Reply Notifhcation Tutorial
65.An Introducton to Android Multi-Window support
64.An Ardrod Sudiowuli-window spit-scren andfrefom Tutorial
66.The Android Room Persistence Library
67.An Android Tablelayout and TableRow Tutorial
68.An Android Room Database and Repository Tutorial
6.Accessing Cloud Storage using the Android storage Access Framework
70.An Android Storage acces Framework xample
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73.An Android Picture-in-Picture Tutorial
74.Video Recording and Image Capture on Android using Camera Intents
75.Making Runtime Permission Requests in Android
76Android Aucdio Recording and Playback using Medialayer and Mediakecorder
77.Working with the Google Maps Android Aplin Android Studio
0 An Android HTML and wWeb content pintino Bxamole
80.A Guide to Android Custom Document Printing
81.An Introduction to Android App Links
82.An Android Studio App Links Tutorial
83.An Introduction to Android Instant Apps
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87.An Android Biometric Authentication Tutorial
88. Creating,Testing and Uploading an Android App Bundle
89.An Overview of Gradle in Android Studio
Android Studio 3.3 Development Essentials Android 9 Edition 9781795654760. zip[/erphpdown]

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