Analog Circuit Design,Volume 2: Immersion in the Black Art of Analog Design

Analog Circuit Design Volume 2

Author: Bob Dobkin (Editor), Jim Williams (Editor)

Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ Newnes

Edition 版本:‏ 1st edition

Publication Date 出版日期:‏ 2013-01-9

Language 语言: English

Print Length 页数: 1268 pages

ISBN-10: 0123978882

ISBN-13: 9780123978882

Book Description

Analog circuit and system design today is more essential than ever before. With the growth of digital systems, wireless communications, complex industrial and automotive systems, designers are being challenged to develop sophisticated analog solutions. This comprehensive source book of circuit design solutions aids engineers with elegant and practical design techniques that focus on common analog challenges. The book’s in-depth application examples provide insight into circuit design and application solutions that you can apply in today’s demanding designs.

  • This is the companion volume to the successful Analog Circuit Design: A Tutorial Guide to Applications and Solutions (October 2011), which has sold over 5000 copies in its the first 6 months of since publication. It extends the Linear Technology collection of application notes, which provides analog experts with a full collection of reference designs and problem solving insights to apply to their own engineering challenges
  • Full support package including online resources (LTSpice)
  • Contents include more application notes on power management, and data conversion and signal conditioning circuit solutions, plus an invaluable circuit collection of reference designs


“Analog electronic designers will find this handbook an essential reference source. It contains a broad range of analog circuit design ideas and practical tips for ensuring proper circuit implementation, and more importantly, it provides the reader with the basis for good circuit and board design techniques.” –IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine, May/June 2014

“The writing is clear, and for such detailed technique descriptions, the language is delightfully readable…expect elegant design and timeless analogue wisdom on every page.” –Electronics Weekly, May 2013

“Newnes Press, an imprint of Elsevier, announced the publication of Analog Circuit Design, Volume 2, Immersion in the Black Art of Analog Design. The book is a companion volume to Analog Circuit Design: A Tutorial Guide to Applications and Solutions.” –EDA BLOG and EETimes


The second compilation of Linear Technology’s renowned App Notes: high quality, sought after real-world solutions for analog designers

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PDF | 96 MB | 2019-06-17

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