Advances in Mathematical Methods and High Performance Computing (Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics)
ISBN-10: 3030024865
ISBN-13: 9783030024864
Edition 版本: 1st ed. 2019
Released: 2019-02-15
Pages: 503 pages
Book Description
This special volume of the conference will be of immense use to the researchers and academicians. In this conference,academicians,technocrats and researchers will get an opportunity to interact with eminent persons in the field of Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing. The topics to be covered in this International Conference are comprehensive and will be adequate for developing and understanding about new developments and emerging trends in this area. High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems have gone through many changes during the past two decades in their architectural design to satisfy the increasingly large-scale scientific computing demand. Accurate,fast,and scalable performance models and simulation tools are essential for evaluating alternative architecture design decisions for the massive-scale computing systems. This conference recounts some of the influential work in modeling and simulation for HPC systems and applications,identifies some of the major challenges,and outlines future research directions which we believe are critical to the HPC modeling and simulation community.
Part l. Mathematical Modeling,Applications,and Theoretical Foundations
Canonical Duality-Triality Theory: Unifhed Understanding for Modeling,Problems,and NP-Hardness in Global Optimization of Multi-Scale Systems
Numerical Investigation of Stochastic Neural Field Equations
Nonstationary Signal Decomposition for Dummies
Modeling the Socio-Economic Waste Generation Factors Using Artifncial Neural Network: A Case Study of Gurugram(Haryana State,India)
Regularization of Highly ll-Conditioned RBF Asymmetric Collocation Systems in Fractional Models
The Effect of Toxin and Human Impact on Marine Ecosystem
A Computational Study of Reduction Techniques for the Minimum Connectivity Inference Problem
Approximate Controllability of Nonlocal lImpulsive Stochastic Diferential Equations with Delay
Convergence of an Operator Splitting Scheme for Abstract Stochastic Evolution Equations
Modified Post-Widder Operators Preserving Exponential Functions
The Properties of Certain Linear and Nonlinear Differential Equations
Fixed Points for (p,)-Contractions in Menger Probabilistic Metric Spaces
A Novel Canonical Duality Theory for Solving 3-D Topology Optimization Problems
Part ll. High Performance and Scientific Computing
High Performance Computing: Challenges and Risks for the Future
Modern Parallel Architectures to Speed Up Numerical Simulation
Parallel Algorithms for Low Rank Tensor Arithmetic
The Resiliency of Multilevel Methods on Next-Generation Computing Platforms: Probabilistic Model and Its Analysis
Visualization of Data: Methods,Software,and Applications
HPC Technologies from Scientific Computing to Big Data Applications
Part ll. Models,Methods,and Applications Based on Partial Differential Equations
Analysis and Simulation of Time-Domain Elliptical Cloaks by the Discontinuous Galerkin Method
Dynamic Pore-Network Models Development
Mean Field Magnetohydrodynamic Dynamo in Partially lonized Plasma: Nonlinear,Numerical Results
Outcome of Wall Features on the Creeping Sinusoidal Flow of MHD Couple Stress Fluid in an Inclined Channel with Chemical Reaction
A Fractional Inverse Initial Value Problem
Three-Dimensional Biomagnetic Flow and Heat Transfer over a Stretching Surface with Variable Fluid Properties
Effects of Slip on the Peristaltic Motion of a Jeffrey Fluid in Porous Medium with Wall Effects
Linear and Nonlinear Double Diffusive Convection in a Couple Stress Fluid Saturated Anisotropic Porous Layer with Soret Effect and Internal Heat Source
Modeling of Wave-Induced Oscillation in Pohang New Harbor by Using Hybrid Finite Element Model
Similarity Solution of Hydromagnetic Flow Near Stagnation Point Over a Stretching Surface Subjected to Newtonian Heating and Convective Condition
Modeling Corrosion Phenomenon of Magnesium Alloy Az91 in Simulated Body Fluids
Approximate and Analytic Solution of Some Nonlinear Diffusive Equations