Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Automation in Manufacturing
by: Maki K. Habib
Publisher finelybook 出版社: IGI Global; 1st edition (November 15,2019)
Language 语言: English
Print Length 页数: 357 pages
ISBN-10: 1799813827
ISBN-13: 9781799813828
Book Description
While human capabilities can withstand broad levels of strain,they cannot hope to compete with the advanced abilities of automated technologies. Developing advanced robotic systems will provide a better,faster means to produce goods and deliver a level of seamless communication and synchronization that exceeds human skill.
Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Automation in Manufacturing is a pivotal reference source that provides vital research on the application of advanced manufacturing technologies in regards to production speed,quality,and innovation. While highlighting topics such as human-machine interaction,quality management,and sensor integration,this publication explores state-of-the-art technologies in the field of robotics engineering as well as human-robot interaction. This book is ideally designed for researchers,students,engineers,manufacturers,managers,industry professionals,and academicians seeking to enhance their innovative design capabilities
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