A Rulebook for Arguments 5th Edition

A Rulebook for Arguments

A Rulebook for Arguments

Author: Anthony Weston (Author)

Publisher finelybook 出版社:‏ ‎ Hackett Publishing Company, Inc.

Edition 版本:‏ ‎ Fifth Edition, 5

Publication Date 出版日期:‏ ‎ 2018-02-1

Language 语言: ‎ English

Print Length 页数: ‎ 120 pages

ISBN-10: ‎ 162466654X

ISBN-13: ‎ 9781624666544

Book Description

From academic writing to personal and public discourse, the need for good arguments and better ways of arguing is greater than ever before.

This timely fifth edition of A Rulebook for Arguments sharpens an already-classic text, adding updated examples and a new chapter on public debates that provides rules for the etiquette and ethics of sound public dialogue as well as clear and sound thinking in general.


Comments on the previous edition:
“This is the ultimate ‘how-to’ book for anyone who wants to use reasons and evidence in support of conclusions, to be clear instead of confusing, persuasive instead of dogmatic, and better at evaluating the arguments of others.”
–Debra Nails, 
Michigan State University

About the Author

Anthony Weston is Professor of Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy at Elon University.

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